To digest a Peritas meal, the dog’s body needs only 3 to 3.5 hours. During digestion the dog remains cheerful, and most important - safe, as the odds for stomach torsion are minimized.
The Peritas diet, is perfectly assimilated by the dog’s body, in a percentage that exceeds 90%. Undeniable confirmation is the amount of feces, which does not exceed 5% -10% of the quantity of the food eaten.
The feces will always be solid, tight, dry, odourless and in very small quantities. Bad breath will disappear within the first three to four days of exclusive diet with Peritas. The urine will always be clear, odourless, transparent, colourless and in small quantities. The kidneys of the animal will be relieved, due to the absence of dyes, preservatives and other artificial substances, typicall for commercial food.
Raw diets stabilize and strengthen the immune system. The lack of heat treatment preserves all the nutrients in the food: proteins, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and others, and your dog gets the most out of its food. This improves the overall function of the immune system, which fights existing diseases and prevents against future diseases.
The skin is the largest organ of the animal,therefore the most exposed to environmental changes. A BARF diet will restore the skin’s normal condition and will diminish the chances of allergies and other skin diseases. Highly effective nutrition for dogs susceptible to skin diseases.
This is probably the This is one of the first changes you will notice if you feed raw food. A balanced raw diet provides high quality proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, which are the basist for maintaining a thick and shiny coat. In addition, hair loss is minimized significantly.
The teeth, including the molars, which rest at the back of the mouth are shiny and clean. Gingivitis and caries become unknown situations until old age.
All Peritas recipes contain chondroitin and glucosamine in perfect proportion which improves the function of the joints, relieves already afflicted dogs and reduces the chances of arthritis and other age related diseases of the skeletal system.
The completely natural, biologically appropriate raw diet accelerates the metabolism of dogs and cats, thus allowing them to get rid of unnecessary fat. To get best results combine raw feeding with regular physical activity.
It doesn’t matter how expensive the dog brand, it is never going to be as good for your dog as raw, fresh meat, bone and vegetable.The key problems with highly processed dog food:
Fur consists of around 90% protein. Dry, brittle hair is often related to poor quality proteins or insufficient protein in the diet. A healthy coat is shiny and if your pet’s coat is dull, chances are the diet is lacking essential fatty acids. Odorous skin and fur is often attributed to candida yeast that overpopulates when the diet is high in carbs and sugars.
Parodontosis is the most common clinical condition in adult dogs and cats; and is entirely preventable! By three years of age, most dogs and cats have some evidence of periodontal disease. Parodontosis begins when bacteria in the mouth forms plaque that sticks to the surface of the teeth. Plaque is directly caused by the ingredients found within commercial kibble.
An yeast infection is a sure sign of a compromised immune system and a gut out of balance. Broad spectrum antibiotics destroy 90% of the gut flora, which leads to overpopulation of bad bacteria and yeast, especially when there is no good bacteria to prevent this process. Foods high in starches, grains, and carbohydrates feed candida which ultimately encourages the growth of bad flora, increasing the imbalance within the gut.
Commercial kibble is jam packed with processed low quality proteins, carbohydrates, grains, starches, additives, and preservatives which directly affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract. 70-80% of the functioning of the immune system depends on the gut health, thus maintaining a healthy gut means a healthier life. Ingredients within kibble irritate the gut and promote inflammation which ultimately leads to more health issues.
Liver issues can manifest in many ways. The liver has the ability to heal itself if diagnosis is not complex or chronic. There are multiple reasons for liver diseases: genetics, parasites, trauma, over vaccination/medication, and poisoning. Once liver complications are diagnosed, diet modification can be a factor in managing the disease and can help reverse liver complications.
More than 50% of pets over the age of 10 are diagnosed with cancer at some point. Cancer is caused by multiple factors including genetics, environmental pesticides, vaccinations and even diet. Although the diet alone is not a major factor, it plays a major role, especially once cancer is officially diagnosed. Commercial kibble is high in carbs and sugars which directly feeds cancer, giving it the means to grow and spread.